June 26, 2024


The Year Of The Rat King!! Stanley Cup Final Review & Draft Preview | Good Ol Hockey Podcast Ep. 39

The Year Of The Rat King!! Stanley Cup Final Review & Draft Preview | Good Ol Hockey Podcast Ep. 39
The Good Ol' Hockey Podcast
The Year Of The Rat King!! Stanley Cup Final Review & Draft Preview | Good Ol Hockey Podcast Ep. 39

Jun 26 2024 | 01:25:02


Show Notes

 In this comprehensive episode, the hosts delve into the exhilarating 2024 NHL playoffs, spotlighting the Florida Panthers' dramatic Game 7 victory over the Edmonton Oilers. They analyze standout performances from players like McDavid and Kachuk and recount key moments that shaped the series. The discussion also covers extracurricular activities, including skateboarding and music festivals, and previews their upcoming trip to Las Vegas for the NHL Draft. Attention is given to the Arizona Coyotes' land auction controversy and future prospects, along with trade updates like Linus Ullmark's move to Ottawa. The episode wraps up with in-depth predictions for the NHL Awards, including the Hart and Norris trophies, and features a final mock draft.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:09] Speaker A: Good morning, hockey fans, and welcome back to the Good Ol hockey podcast. Guess what? The sun is shining nice and blue today, and the Edmonton Oilers lost the Stanley cup. Galley, how you feeling off that? We'll get into each other this weekend, but just initial reaction. How is the joy flowing through your body at that game yesterday and today? Waking up? How was it? [00:00:28] Speaker B: Well, you know, I love, uh. I love my Calgary Flames, so, of course, I could not. I'm going for anyone except for the Oilers. Um, if it was any other canadian team, I think I'd be going for them. [00:00:42] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:00:43] Speaker B: Not gonna lie, but I'm happy for Kachuk and Bennett and even Longberg, former Flames. It's a little bit bitter taste in my mouth seeing all these ex Calgary flames raise a cup. And, I mean, seriously, if. If pieces and things went differently, that could be the Calgary Flames in the Stanley cup final instead of the whalers. That's a. That's a bold take, for sure. But, yeah, man. I mean, I feel good about it. I'm glad Florida won. I'm glad Kechuk won, but, yeah, man, another year canadian team does not take the dub in the Stanley cup. [00:01:23] Speaker A: Finally, yet again, 30 plus years now. 31. But, yeah, honestly, super excited. [00:01:30] Speaker B: Yeah. How are you feeling, though? [00:01:32] Speaker A: I'm feeling great. I'm $80 richer. And, you know, we got some shit on instagram the past two weeks. It feels like I've just been housed in the comments and just been made fun of. And now look at you guys. You guys are all crying yourself to sleep last night, and I was happy. I went to bed elated, you know, woke up, the sun was shining, birds were chirping, went on twitter, saw the videos, after, which, honestly, were the best part to me. Like, just seeing, obviously, you guys know, if you don't know and can see behind me, I'm a Sharks fan, so I don't really have much to celebrate in the playoffs. So I like to do this thing where I'll pick a team and ride with them and see how it plays out. And, you know, during the season, I'm all Sharks, but when it comes playoff time and it's a little bit dead, I want to watch some exciting. Hockey in the playoffs are fun, so it's always fun to root for a team. And last year, that team was Florida, and this year, this team was Florida. And after last year losing to the Knights, of all people, our number one enemy was just a straight dagger to the heart, so such a great season last year, too, you know? And then, obviously, Gary and I doing this podcast this year. First off, thanks for everyone for listening this year, it's been amazing. We've had a fun time. It's been a great season. So much drama, it feels like, and so much just ups and downs. And to cap it off like that with Connor McDavid and his head down on the bench, you know, in all honesty, I do feel heartbroken for any team that loses. You know, I understand that feeling to an extent. Never lost in the Stanley cup final, but, um, you know, those guys played their heart out and they battled back. But in the record books, it's not going to show up shows. Florida Panthers. So if you guys want to shit on the panthers for, oh, you almost blew a 30 lead. Well, guess what? Almost. Anyways, um, we'll get into more Stanley cup talk. But first galley, how was your weekend? [00:03:26] Speaker B: Weekend was good. Uh, Friday was go skateboarding day. I don't skateboard too much, but went skateboarding for a couple hours and that was a good time. Saturday. Shit, dude, what did I do Saturday? I went to Boise music festival and saw Jason, saw Jason Derulo, also saw Dustin lynch. Was a little late for cela green, but that was a good time. Besides, it was like 100 degrees out, which was brutal. I mean, I just feel like a lot of concerts in Boise, it's like if they're anytime before, like even 08:00 p.m. it's gonna be so hot. Like, I feel like Boise concerts in the summer need to start like eight, nine pm at earliest just because how damn hot it is. And it was really hot, man. I was sweating my ass off pregame with some tequila, which was interesting, too. It was kind of, kind of shitty there. But it was funny. I mean, it was cool seeing them. And we went around to some of the local artist stages and saw like a replica of j Rock, which was pretty funny. But then, yeah, Sunday, just chilled, played a little bit of tennis with my girlfriend, but it was a pretty, pretty good weekend. How about. How about you? It's not going to be as good as this next weekend, though. [00:04:44] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. If you guys don't know, I haven't been here in a couple weeks. If you've missed out on a couple episodes, guess what? We're going to the draft, baby. This. I mean, almost 24 hours from now, we're gonna be in the sack, probably getting ready for bed, but by the time you guys listen to this, we're gonna be on the road. Well, actually, no, that's not. By the time you guys listen to this, in 24 hours, we'll be on the road, and, yeah, I'll be fun this weekend, but we'll get into that towards the end. My weekend last week was pretty fun. Had some friends in town, went downtown both, both nights, Friday and Saturday. So it was a little rough. Um, and especially going to Vegas this weekend is just another reset. But you know what? I'm young. We got time, and I'm excited. So it was a good weekend. And then to cap it off on. On Monday with that win a little bit richer in the pocket while it's a little heavier, um, you know, it's a lot of fun. So, um, yeah, let's jump into it. I mean, game seven, I can't believe we got that far. Yeah, after 30, we all kind of could see what was coming. But then after game four, actually, no, after game five really was when it was started to settle where it was like, oh, this might happen. Yeah. And, man, let's just. What's the first thing that comes to mind? Okay, I got one first thing. I think that with this series, and I want to. I don't know what player said it, but they were mentioning and saying that, you know, when you get through up 30 in a series, you kind of get this tunnel vision of the end result, and, you know, the Stanley cup is right there in front of you, and they're like, we kind of got away from our game a little bit, and they played well as well, too, so it was a little tough. And then game seven, they felt like they were back to where they were. Um, and I feel like that was true. Um, I can kind of see that coming where you're up 30 and you're like, I'm ready for this cup. But that was my initial thoughts. Uh, what about you, dude? [00:06:55] Speaker B: My initial thoughts was that was, I'd probably say one of the best series, Stanley cup final series, and let alone one of the best playoff series I've ever seen. Um, for it to go to seven, but just the momentum swing, I mean, for a team not to do that since the 1940s is pretty damn incredible. To come back from 30 in the biggest series of the playoffs, in the biggest, you know, some of the biggest games of your life, it was pretty incredible. And, I mean, they fortunately had two games in Edmonton out of those games, four through six. So I think that helped them big time. I think going back to Edmonton, especially for game six, they kind of had the momentum and somewhat of the home ice advantage, but, yeah, man, I mean, I was kind of shocked in a way how Edmonton came out game seven, I'm even more shocked, which we'll get into it, about how some of their best players perform, even though there's been a lot of glazing of McDavid, per usual. Um, but to be honest, if he doesn't have those back to back four point games, I think that's he's probably would have been my ghost of the series. Not going to give away my ghost of the series yet, but, I mean, incredible perseverance by the Panthers, though. I think they show they, they were facing some adversity. I mean, being up 30 and then getting that tied three three, um, for them to go out and win that game seven and play completely different than what they were. Games four through six, I just feel like they're flat during those three games, and, I mean, you can't do that against Edmonton. They're going to run all over or skate all over you, especially when they have the best players, some of the best players in the world. I don't think that the Oilers squad was, like, the strongest year this year, and I think that was maybe some. Some issues from their GM, Ken Holland, uh, making some questionable signings, for sure. So I'll give that a little bit of leniency to the Oilers. I feel like they could have been a locks lot stronger, which is also kind of scary as a Flames fan, but, yeah, man, I mean, I. I think it would have been heartbreaking, too, for Panthers fan base to go to two Stanley cup finals back to back and then lose both of them, especially in game seven. Blowing to three elite like, that would have been. [00:09:23] Speaker A: Yeah, to be brutal. I see. [00:09:26] Speaker B: But, I mean, dude, just starting off, obviously, I talked a little bit about McDavid and him, you know, having kind of a iffy series outside of those back to back four point games. But I think he had overall playoff series or overall playoff season, I think he had the best one of the 21st century. I mean, he was the lights out. He carried his team even. Even in the games he didn't score a single point in, which is interesting, and not like him. He still was playing good, and he was still the most defended player. The Panthers just figured out a way to shut him down in game six and seven, and I think that was a deciding factor, but pretty incredible. He's five points off of Gretzky's point record. Um, in this day and age, with goalies as good as they are, especially. I mean, shit, some of the goalies he played against. I mean, to be fair, the Canucks goalies and Kings goalies not the best. I mean, I feel like if Demko is in, you could have a little bit of argument, but Ondra was incredible, and Bob Rosski was also an incredible goalie. So those are two goalies that are potentially. I mean, I think Bobrovsky is going to be a hallfamer. Audrey will tbD. But for him to do that in this playoffs, I mean, he's still statistically fourth best playoff season in league history and also broke the CIS records. I think that's biggest reason he got the cons. Might, but, yeah, sorry, I just went on a ramble a little bit. [00:11:03] Speaker A: I mean, what did you think of. [00:11:04] Speaker B: That, david and whatnot? [00:11:06] Speaker A: Well, I'll go back and forth to you, but what were your thoughts on him winning that console? Do you think it's deserved? Do you think it's. [00:11:14] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:11:14] Speaker A: Meat writing. What do you think? [00:11:16] Speaker B: So, I think it's definitely deserved. I mean, if you're going to make. If you're going to break that assist record from. Gretzky had the fourth best playoff season in league history, and I think that the other three ahead of him were in the eighties. I think closest was in 1990 to 91. I think it was lemieux. I mean, you, hands down, you got to give it to him. Um, just how dominant he was throughout the whole playoffs. I mean, even in this series on ice, watching it, I wouldn't say on the, on the game sheet, he was as dominant as he is. I mean, he, he was, though. He led the series in points. [00:11:53] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:11:53] Speaker B: By four points, which is. Yeah, damn. I mean, pretty, pretty incredible. And, I mean, it's. It's cool to see. I mean, I know Crosby is a player that he makes, any player that's on the ice with him plays better, but McDavid takes that to another level. I mean, you put any player with McDavid, and they're going to be probably a point per game player in the regular season and probably playoffs. So it's pretty crazy. The McDavid effect is definitely there, but I think he deserves a cons might. I thought it was kind of some weird, non classy act by him to not come out and get the cons might, even though he might get booed. But I mean, just, I mean, that's. That's something I feel like that would fuel him, you know, if he went out and got booed or. I mean, I feel like it would have been good for Oilers fans to see him, but, yeah, it's tough. I don't think he really gives a shit that he won the playoff mvp at all. Neither did any Oilers fans, even though some of them are using it. His backup. [00:12:57] Speaker A: Yeah, they're using it against me. So clearly some of them care. I don't know. I think him. [00:13:02] Speaker B: Yeah. What do you think about it, though? Do you think he should deserve it? [00:13:06] Speaker A: Yes, I believe, like, I think he was the best player in the playoffs all season long and also the series, too. Like, you could have given it to Bob after if they won in five. But, I mean, McDavid was literally, he broke a Gretzky record, and I get it. The league wants to, you know, you, like, you have to reward that with something. And it's like this guy went on a crazy run, really got close to a Gretzky record that we thought was never even touchable, and, again, also broke a record that we thought was untouchable. So, yes, I do think he deserves it. And for him not coming out, I understand it. It's like, you know, I. That would be a shitty skate back onto the ice, too. [00:13:56] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:13:57] Speaker A: To skate back onto that and, like, it'd just be tough and, you know, let the Panthers enjoy their moment. He's probably not focused. Like you said, he's not focused on the consmyth. He's focused on getting back to where he was this next year, and that kind of brings me up to one of my points, is, do you think the Oilers should be scared? Do you think they can come back next year, or do you think this was their shot and now it's toast for them? [00:14:27] Speaker B: That's a. That's a tough question going back. Just one last point to that last point. [00:14:32] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:14:33] Speaker B: I feel like he should have came out, though, just because hockey is a classy sport. I think the Panthers really respected him. I think everyone, I mean, I know Florida fans are, don't know hockey the best, and we all know that, but I feel like that would have been a class act and show, show a lot of his sportsmanship and just love for the game if he came out. But for the Oilers, I don't think they necessarily need to be scared. I mean, it's tough to say. There's definitely some holes in their team, and are these players going to repeat the playoffs? They did this year. It's up in the air, especially, like, Bouchard. Like, I don't know if Bouchard is going to have that great of a year. And not only that, I mean, but the thing is, it's like he's, he's on the ice a lot. David is so, and he's on the power play. I mean, Boucher is good, but, yeah, I mean, I feel like you don't. You shouldn't be too afraid if you're the Oilers, especially if you can somehow get rid of those badge contracts. Darnell Nurse and Jack Campbell, if you can somehow get rid of those contracts and maybe bolster your goal, goal tending. I think the Oilers are going to be dangerous for the next fucking. I don't even like to say it, but ten years. I mean, McDavid is incredible. We saw him, how good he is in the playoffs, and I feel like a lot of people are kind of writing him off as a regular season player, but this playoffs, he definitely showed he's legit in the playoffs, maybe not in the Staley cup final, which we'll get into a little bit. [00:16:05] Speaker A: I think. Hold on, though. I think with, with that, I think Florida is also really good defensively. Like putting Alexander Barkov against him. One of the, I would say the best two way forward, two way center in the league right now, someone who can play both sides of the ice, and putting him up against McDavid, I shut him down. And also, that first line with Gustav forsling and Aaron Eckblad, I think they did a really good job at keeping McDavid just outside of the below this. The circles, they did not let him get down low. He had a point where he had the puck on his stick with a wide open net, and Brandon Montour just had a great defensive play and saved the series on that one for them, in all honesty. Like, the net was wide open, and he very well could have done his stuff. McDavid, but Montour stick was right in the right spot and was able to stop McDavid. So I don't know. I think Oilers fans, I don't think you have anything to worry about just yet. The one person I would be worried about, those Leon drys idle. I don't know if he's going to come back. I don't think. I think he's going to see him coming back. No, I don't think he's going to resign after this next year. I could be wrong. I don't know anything, but I think. [00:17:25] Speaker B: He'S going to resign. I mean, I know he wants a max deal because he's the thing. [00:17:29] Speaker A: They don't have the money. [00:17:29] Speaker B: He deserves it. I mean, they. I think they could free up some capper man shit if the salary cap keeps going up the way it is. I think they'll figure it out. I mean, I think him and McDavid want to win a cup? I don't really know. I mean, they both are kind of dull personalities, so I don't really know. Like, I mean, they obviously have some chemistry, though. But they do. Yeah. I mean, I mean, I can see him staying, but holy shit, if dry side of leaves, that's going to be, that's going to be interesting, but they're going to get a haul for him if they, if they, if he ends up wanting to leave. But, I mean, with all being said, the Oilers are impressed the hell out of me. I know we were at the beginning of the season, like, are they even going to make the playoffs? And for them to go this, this far, pretty incredible for them to have the playoffs. They did. I mean, I wasn't really rooting for any team in the playoffs. Kind of the Dallas stars, not really. I was just rooting against the Oilers, and I'm glad they didn't win. But I think that if McDavid showed up in games one, six and seven, which he went, he registered zero points in three out of seven games this series, which no one's talking about. I know everyone's talking about how good of a playoff season he had, but no one's really talking about that. He went pointless in three of those games, which, I mean, props to the Panthers defense for shutting down the best player potentially ever in hockey history up to this point. I mean, skill level, we're not talking points or anything, but, I mean, he is on another level, and for them to shut him down three of those games, incredible for them to shut down dry Seidel, too. He had three points all series, and, I mean, if McDavid didn't have those back to back four point games, he'd have three points, too. I mean, he ended up with eleven points throughout the series. Eight of those points came in two games, which is crazy. Yeah, but, I mean, the Oilers, and this was one of our points we had. I mean, the Oilers needed to show up those two players in specific to show up, and people were like, oh, it's your best players. No shit. But, I mean, we were correct on that, and they did not show up for, I mean, McDavid didn't show up for three of those games. Slash, the Panthers shut him down dry. Seidel was nowhere to be seen. [00:19:47] Speaker A: No. [00:19:47] Speaker B: So, I mean, he looked like a different player, I mean, to be honest. So, I mean, that's, that's my take on that. I feel like the Oilers could have had, they probably would have won the cup if McDavid showed up in those games, and the Panthers didn't shut those players down, but I agree. [00:20:03] Speaker A: So no props to them, too. Like, I mean, I know we're, we've been kind of talking about the Oilers and what they've done wrong, but, um, yeah, I mean, I think switching back to the Panthers, I mean, they're such a fun team to watch and, like, I don't know. I understand they're very polarizing, polarizing teams. Both of these teams are, you either love McDavid or you hate McDavid. You either love Kerchuck or you hate Kachuk. Um, and I feel like we're both on the hate McDavid side and both on the love Kerchuck side, so obviously that's where our bias falls. But this team, I mean, as a whole, got some veterans to lift the cup. We got Oliver, Ekman, Larson, Kyle A. Caposo, which was cool to see Kyle Acapulso playing over, I want to say, over a thousand games played and probably his last game. [00:20:50] Speaker B: Yeah, he's a veteran. I mean, Eclad's been in the league for, I think, ten years. Yeah, 2014, he was number one draft, but yeah, I mean, going, if we're going to segue to the Panthers, holy shit. It is impressive what they did. I mean, that, that was some crazy adversity to be up 30 below that lead and then somehow pull out that game seven. I mean, I was so, I was shitting my pants as a flame sand. I was like, this is so fucked. I mean, game four, I was like, dude, let's go. Like, this is easy. Panthers are going to crush them. And, I mean, maybe it was. Maybe it was dry style and McDavid not showing up. Maybe it was just dry style. Maybe. Maybe it was cause Corey Perry was on their team. Bad luck charm, too. [00:21:33] Speaker A: Bad luck charm. Yeah. [00:21:35] Speaker B: Who knows? But, I mean, they came out swinging in games one through three, but games, you know, four through six, they were not the same team. They were throughout the whole playoffs. And then game seven, they just showed up again, which was like, holy shit. But I'm sure the NHL is stoked that this happened. I feel like some of the front offices in the league are probably a little bit pissed that the Stanley cup went to the 24 June. But I mean, congrats to the Panthers. They're probably having such a kick ass time. I mean, saw Matthew Chuck swimming in the ocean with a cup, which made me happy. I mean, seeing, I think Chuck be successful is. It's tough pill for me to swallow. I love Matthew Kachuk. Yeah, I love. He was my favorite player on the flames. I mean, still is probably. But first, to just to see all the success for the Panthers and all these x Flames, it's just like, dude, what if. What if they stayed? What if Kudrow, what if Kachuk stayed? I mean, it's so tough, but it's kind of funny to see the Oilers knock the flames out and all those players left the next offseason just to go to the Panthers and then knock them out when they, well, you Matthew. [00:22:49] Speaker A: Kachuk, in that interview, he was like, you know, shout out to all my fans here, there. Shout out to all my friends and fans in Calgary. [00:22:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:56] Speaker A: I could not let the Oilers win, so it was cool to kind of give him the flowers and stuff like that. I think it was also, I love the Kachuks as a whole. Like, Brady, him and even his dad, just their family as a whole. I don't really know the mom. I know his. Their sister plays, like, field hockey, so in Virginia, but them as a whole, like, it's just, like, such a family dynamic. Like, Brady literally last year was helping his brother out of the bed, changing his, like, just helping him after the broken Sternum Matthew Kachuk suffered against the Knights, and to see how happy he was for his brother, you know, he's an NHL player and probably wants to win a cup himself, but you can tell that they all love each other so damn much. Um, and obviously, families love each other. We know that. But not everyone has that. And I don't know, it's just really, really awesome to see that family come together. And obviously, Keith Kachuk, who plays a lot, like both of them, they clearly have the same DNA as their father. And to see him lift the cup, too, I saw some people being like, oh, I don't know. You can't raise that because he played. And I'm like, shut the fuck up. He created Matthew Kachuk with his own balls. He has every right to lift that cup. You know, Brady, on the other hand, shouldn't, and I don't think he did, which is good. [00:24:22] Speaker B: You know, dude, that would. That would be ridiculous if Brady did, but yeah, yeah, dude, I love the Kachuk family for sure. [00:24:28] Speaker A: Also, luongo. Luongo getting to raise the cup, that was awesome to see. You know, I don't. He never won a cup as a player. I don't think. I hope it's wrong. [00:24:40] Speaker B: Never. Never did as a player. So, yeah, this is the first time winning the cup at all, I'm sure he was stoked on that, but, yeah, I mean, back to the Kachuk thing. I think they're such a sick hockey family. I know. There's. Hughes are another sick family of hockey players. I mean, currently, those two come to my mind. At least I'm sure there's some other ones I'm forgetting about. I mean. I mean, shit, dude. I mean, I don't know how people hate on Matt Kachuk. I know. And him and Brady kind of are pests and piss people off and are dirty, but they're hockey players. It's a sport of hockey. That's why people love to watch it. They're flashy. They love to fight. Matthew Kachuk is fucking. He's so sick, dude. But, yeah, man. I mean, it's. It's. It's a bitter feeling for me. Flames basically gave the Panthers this cup because of trades. [00:25:28] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:29] Speaker B: Break. [00:25:30] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah, I get it. [00:25:33] Speaker B: I wonder. I wonder what Huberto and Mackenzie, weaker dude. Like. They're probably like, holy shit. This is. These are all of our teammates, dude. [00:25:42] Speaker A: Bill Zito is a. Is a smart man. He's ball. He's a ballsy man. You know? [00:25:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:25:49] Speaker A: It's only smart if they win the cup, and they won the cup. So from here on out, he's a legend for what he did with that front office in Florida, with everything, like the Bobrovsky contracts, people were, you know, hating on the Panthers for that, which, at the time. Yeah, it probably didn't seem like a good contract, the Kachuk trade, everyone was like, oh, Florida's fleeced. They just got screwed out of this deal. And then, you know, we see how that's turned out. No offense, but the. It's just incredible to watch and to see them and the postgame speech and watching him cry, like, you know, he's obviously a very stressed man based off of his job, you know, and to get the win. Like, he. He gambled and he won. And, you know, I only hope that I have that luck this weekend in Vegas. I'm going to channel my Bill Zito, and I hope that me rooting for him this year will benefit me. But, yeah, I mean, I don't know. I guess let's kind of wrap up this Stanley cup talk. Any final thoughts before we move into some series MVP's? [00:27:01] Speaker B: Yeah, man. I mean, Florida, the state of Florida is hockey central right now. I feel like a lot of people did not see that coming. I know the Tampa Bay Lightning have been pretty dominant in their franchise history, but for the Panthers first Stanley cup, to them, third cup to the Florida teams in the past five years, which is pretty incredible. I mean, in 2023, out of the four cup winners have been in Florida. So, I mean, hats off to them. Hats off to Florida. It's pretty sick what Bill Zito did, though, for sure. But let's get into the series MVP we don't talk about. So we could talk about this forever. [00:27:39] Speaker A: Yeah, we could. And we might be. This whole offseason might just be firing back at it, but, um, yeah. Honest. Oh, wait, hold on. Before we do that, the cup videos today, I want to talk about a little bit that we saw the morning after. I saw some videos of Sasha Barkov raising the. This dude, like, drove by in a boat on this pier that they're at, and he was like, good job, boys. And Sasha went to lift it up. He just looked dead. That mean, I know those guys have not slept. They're probably sleeping right now, but they probably have not slept all night. Um, them dumping the beer onto the fans outside the elbow room in Florida. [00:28:14] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:28:15] Speaker A: Super fun to see just, you know, cup celebrations, because I know both you and I, I'm sure, have dreamt as a kid to be partying with the Stanley cup, winning the Stanley cup, playing game seven of the Stanley cup, and these guys got to live it, and it's always really cool to see, no matter who wins. Like, even last year with the Knights, like, yeah, it sucks for me as a Sharks fan, but at the end of the day, it's still cool to see these guys accomplish, you know, something they've been working for their whole lives, so. Yeah. [00:28:42] Speaker B: Besides the Oilers. [00:28:43] Speaker A: Yep. Besides the others don't care about them. Um. [00:28:48] Speaker B: Oh, boy. Who's your series mvp, though? [00:28:51] Speaker A: I'm giving my series mvp to the bottom six guys of the Florida Panthers. All six of them? Well, I guess there's some extra with some scratches, but those bottom six guys, um, they stepped up when needed. Um, just, I guess maybe not bottom six. Um, but just those players as a whole that may not be labeled as superstars. Yeah, I think we see this a lot in the Stanley cup, where these players need to shine the brightest. Um, and I think that's what did Edmonton wrong. Um, you know, obviously, they did have some production down there from those lines, but it was nowhere near how Florida played as a team. They played so well as a team, and, you know, Kaczuk didn't have a flashy series by any means. He didn't have a great, great series, but he and his team around him was able to bail him out for that. So that's my series MVP. Who do you got for your series MVP? [00:29:55] Speaker B: So it's tough for me to. Not to give it to make McDavid just because, I mean, he obviously led by four extra points. It's tough for me not to give it to Evan Rodriguez. That's my honorable mention. I mean, he had four goals, three assists. I know he's not labeled as a superstar whatsoever, and was also plus six. I mean, he loved the Panthers scoring in the series. Incredible. But honestly, I got to give it to Sergey Bobrovsky, who, I have trouble saying his name, but he had to shut out in the Stanley cup final, which is pretty damn hard to do, especially against the Wailers. Holy shit. [00:30:30] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:30:30] Speaker B: 0.958 state percentage in game seven after three straight losses, where his game save percentage was horrible. Like, below 90 zero. So for him to have that sort of adversity, persevere through it, I mean, lights out. And I think he was the biggest reason why they won those first three games, too. So hats off to him. I think he honestly won the Panthers a series, and I think it was a total team effort all around. I think there's players chipping in from everyone, whether it's forwards and d, but without Bobrovsky, I mean, it's without a good goalie back there against the Oilers. Yikes. So, I mean, hats off to Bill Zito for signing that big contract, and hats off to Sergey Bobroski. He's taking that series MVP. My series ghost. I know I already mentioned it. It's going to be Leon Dreisidl. I mean, you go to. From scoring 41 goals this past year, five out of the six past seasons, he's had 100 points, too, and he had zero goals, three assists, all series of the Stanley cup final. So he. He went completely ghost mode. Was not there. Did not look like the same player, which, yeah, I know he had a little bit of injuries. All these players are playing with injuries, though. Yeah. But, yeah, he just did not look like the same player. And I know he's kind of like a bulkier player, hard to knock off the puck, but he just was. He was not there. So, I mean, I know you said that it was. That's your same ghost, but anything else to add on that? [00:32:08] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, I think the injury thing is a good point, and, like, you know, I think this is what happened to Florida last year, too, was the crazy amount of injuries. And like you said, I mean, injuries are part of the game, and that's why it makes this Stanley cup, the hardest trophy to win in all sports. And I stand by that. These players play through anything and everything, and it's just incredible to watch sometimes where you hear and you're like, oh, my God. Yeah, he's hurt. He's got a broken finger or like, what? McDavid had something that requires surgery. I forget what part of his body. But I mean, McDavid, like, that's another point. It's like, well, McDonald was injured and he still leads the playoffs in all of all sports. [00:32:55] Speaker B: So broke records, too. [00:32:57] Speaker A: So broke records. Yeah. So the injury thing, like, it happens. And yeah, it sucks to affect teams, but he's got to be the series ghost. You know, we said it from the beginning, he needs to have a series. McDavid needs to have a series. And the other three or four people that they really only have on their team and they didn't. That's why they lost, plain and simple. Yeah, but, yeah, yeah. All right. [00:33:24] Speaker B: Well, that's the Panthers. Yeah. [00:33:27] Speaker A: Yeah. Congrats to the Panthers. You know, hard fought also to the Edmonton Oilers to come back. All jokes aside, like, serious respect to all them fans. Don't worry about it. I don't even know you guys watch this podcast. I doubt you would. I don't know why as a fan that you would listen to this podcast, but if you are, congrats. You still had a hard fought series. You guys will be back. Don't worry. Don't stress. [00:33:51] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:33:52] Speaker A: But we're going to move into some hockey news that we got over the week. [00:33:56] Speaker B: That's the end of the season, though, which is crazy. So this is the beginning of next season? [00:34:02] Speaker A: Yes, basically. Beginning of next season. [00:34:03] Speaker B: I don't know. [00:34:03] Speaker A: That's crazy. [00:34:05] Speaker B: Yeah. Yep. [00:34:06] Speaker A: This is our first season. Just came to wraps after that talk, which is crazy. Actually, we're going to talk about the awards a little bit, so maybe not yet, but yeah, yeah. On the next season. We're here. Let's get into it. Hockey all Fame 2024 class has been announced. Who are those players? [00:34:22] Speaker B: Galley so we got Pavel Datsuk, Jeremy Roenick, Shea Weber, questionable. Natalie, Natalie Darwitz, Chrissy Wendell Pole, David Poyle and Colin Campbell. Just starting off with this list of seven players, five players and two builders is what they call them. Pavel Datsuk. I mean, four time lady Bing winner, two Stanley Cups, I think does name. He's in the triple gold club, 918 points in 953 games, played three times. Selkie winner. I mean, he was good defensively. He was good offensively. This player was freaking nasty. He probably would have a lot more points if he didn't play in the KHL for 260 something games. So hats off to him. I mean, fucking so dirty. And then Jeremy Roenick, too. I mean, for. He was one of the best american hockey players ever to live. And I mean, 1300 games, that's a lot of games. And 1212, 16 points in the NHL to save for it. No Stanley Cups, which I think is kind of crazy. I mean, he did get a silver medal in the o two Olympics, but damn. I know he went to some Stanley cup finals, but it's tough. He never, ever won a Stanley cup. But I mean, off of those two players. What are your thoughts on that? [00:35:39] Speaker A: Yeah, Pavel Datsuk, I'm surprised it's taking this long. I don't know. When he retired, I feel like it was pretty long ago. But, I mean, even Jeremy Renick to Pavel Datsuk's a clear cut, obviously, hall of famer. And I think Jeremy Arnick is, too. Yeah, he never won a cup, but I got to watch him playing on the sharks. I'm actually when he scored his career 500th goal. If you go watch that game and he has an interview after the game, I'm featured in that video as a kid at the Shark Tank. It pans to me and my dad. So if you go watch that goal of his 500 career goal, you can find me. I'm in a little sharky hat. The thing. I don't know the timestamp, but, yeah, Jeremy Roddick was super fun to watch as a shark. I'm a crazy guy. I've heard stories of. Yeah, yeah, he's had his chicks. [00:36:31] Speaker B: Yeah. His spin Chicklets podcast is one of the best hockey podcasts I've ever listened to. Yeah, he's. He's a character. I mean, Pavel Datsuit, though, I mean, I feel like he. He. Like he almost changed the game, his dangles. I mean, he was so filthy. Definitely. I mean, he literally. He has a freaking move named after him. Yeah, he does the datsuk into the shootouts. I mean, he was just. I feel like he took shootouts to another level, too. Maybe him and Patrick Kane. I'd give it to Patrick Kane, too. Those are both filthy. Like, just puck handlers. But then Shea Weber did also make it in, which I think is a little bit of questionable. [00:37:10] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:37:11] Speaker B: I mean, I know Shea Webber was good. He has two times Olympic gold, World cup gold, world championship gold, and he's a three time Norris finalist. But he did get in over some other players, which I was kind of like, hmm. I feel like I probably would have given it to them, but I don't know. What's your. What's your thoughts on this, this pick? I'm pulling up the players of who they were. I saw a list of them, and. [00:37:36] Speaker A: I was like, damn, Shay Webber is interesting. I don't. You know, I think he is deserving of a hall of fame spot. I just don't know if the 2024 class is his spot that he deserves it at. I mean, he's an Olympic gold champion, World cup gold champion, like he said. Anyone? The Norse, three times. Like, you can't leave him off. I think it's more of a timing thing. If anything, the time is a little weird. Do you know, have you pulled that up yet? Who was left? Yeah. [00:38:04] Speaker B: So, I mean, just seeing the players that are left off, I think this player behind me, shit, dio flurry. I think he's passed his expiration date for making him the hall of Fame. He totally should have been, though. He had such an incredible career. I think he's over, like, 1100 points, I want to say. I mean, he was the flames best player for a lot of the nineties, but some of the players that got snubbed, Rod Brindemore, Henrik Zetterberg, Alexander Mul Guiney, who, I think I'm butchering his name, but he was, like, one of the first russian players to come over to the NHL, and he lit it up when he was on the Sabres, and I think that's totally deserving of a spot. Sergey Gonchar, another big name. Ryan Miller. Pekka Renee. Keith Kachuk. Rick Nash. Curtis Joseph. Patrick Eliosh. I mean, out of all of these players, though, which shout out puck empire. For this list, I was like, this is a pretty good list when I saw it, but, I mean, Henrik Zetterberg, Moginley and. And Brenda Moore, even Patrick Marlowe, too. [00:39:16] Speaker A: These guys should, right? [00:39:18] Speaker B: Yeah, they should get their time. I mean, with Shea Webber, I think it's interesting, too, because he's still under an NHL contract with the Utah hockey club, which is pretty funny. Yeah. But, I mean, no disrespect him. He was an incredible player when he was, you know, in his prime and very good defenseman. I feel like he probably should have won in the worst one of those years. And, I mean, he was good for Team Canada on the international stage. So shout out all three of those players. The other players I don't know too much about, because I just don't follow women's hockey. I have heard of Natalie Darwitz before. She was pretty good in the play. In the Olympics, she had 15 games played. I think she was in three different Olympics. Had 25 points, though, in those 15 games played. So that's pretty incredible. 99 games played and 246 points in the college level, which is like, damn. Two time Olympic gold medalist or silver? Silver medalist. Sorry. She's also american, too, so could never get past team Canada. Three time world championship gold. I think she's probably one of the greatest american hockey players played in the 0206 and 2010 Olympics. And then Chrissy Wendell Pole. I know she was the captain for Team USA for a couple Olympics. Kind of an interesting pick here. I mean, I think they're trying to be more. I don't know, more diverse with their picks of women's and men's hockey. [00:40:54] Speaker A: Yeah, I think they have to start. [00:40:56] Speaker B: Yeah. So. But, I mean, ten games played, ten points in the Olympic games. I think she has a silver medal. So, I mean, props to all of these players. I think they're all deserving. Definitely some snubs. We'll see. And then David Poyle. I mean, just to cap this off, I'm on a roll. I mean, do you have anything to say about. [00:41:17] Speaker A: No. [00:41:17] Speaker B: To Natalie or Chrissy? [00:41:20] Speaker A: I've never watched them. I'm sorry, Natalie. I'm sorry, Chrissy. Um, well, deserving. Good job. [00:41:26] Speaker B: Yeah. I saw Natalie in the 2010 Olympics. I remember that. I don't even. 2006. I don't remember. But, yeah, David Poyle, which I think is. I'm saying his name, he's the winningest GM in NHL history. Preds GM from 1997, which I think that's when they became a team. 2017. Sorry, I got that wrong on my notes. I don't know why I said 2023. He's still with the franchise as, like, an advisor. So that's pretty incredible. And then Colin Campbell. I honestly don't know. I was trying to research more about this guy. I mean, props him. He's like the NHL. In the NHL league office. I think he's the president right now and, like, the director of hockey operations. So obviously they're doing something right because the NHL is growing a lot. So, yeah, hats off to those two builders. And I know he was a head coach for the Rangers in the nineties, but didn't really do shit. He had a Stanley cup as assistant coach. But, I mean, hats off to both those. Both those builders. I think David Poil is definitely deserving of it. Most winning GM in NHL history. And then Colin Campbell, I mean, even him. I mean, for what the NHL has became since, I think the lockout in 0405 was kind of like a low point for the league. Since then, I mean, the NHL has been on a tear and really on the up and up. So, I mean, shout out to all this hockey hall fame. You know, people. [00:42:50] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:42:50] Speaker B: Hockey players. [00:42:52] Speaker A: I think it's a good class. [00:42:53] Speaker B: So. [00:42:54] Speaker A: Yeah, good class overall. I think Shay Weber, Zillow, iffy. I think some players could have snuck in there, but a lot of those guys that are on that list that you read will get their time. Yeah. Because like Jeremy Ronick's been retired for a while now. That souk, same thing. So they'll get their time. But, but next up, we got a. We got some trades, multiple trades we've seen the last week or so. Last night, actually, this broke during game seven. Right before game seven. Omark Linus Olmert has been traded to the Ottawa Senators for a 25th overall pick. Yonis Corpus Salo. And who's the other player? [00:43:34] Speaker B: Something Castle. [00:43:35] Speaker A: Okay. [00:43:36] Speaker B: I'm sorry, Castlek, we don't know your first name. [00:43:39] Speaker A: Yes, everybody. [00:43:41] Speaker B: Yeah, forgot to put it on here. [00:43:44] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:43:45] Speaker B: I honestly think this is a good trade. What are your, what are your thoughts on this trade? [00:43:48] Speaker A: I talked to Anthony, resident Boston fan of settled down and he's upset. He's furious. Really? Yeah. He. I think the dust needs to settle a little bit. I just don't know. Linus Olmark won the Veds in last year. They're getting the 25th overall pick. Yes. He's a backup goalie. Technically. He didn't play in the playoffs. Wayman's a rock star. Good for him. But I feel like they could have gotten a little bit more out of it. But also nowadays, like with goalies and stuff like that, it's. It's hard to leverage. It's hard to leverage that team. Like these other teams, they know that they have a sticky situation in Boston and they're not going to give up a whole lot and be like, Omar's great, but we know that the cards are not in your hand. They're in our, our hand right now. We get to play these cards and if you don't want to agree to this, then you can fuck off and we'll find another goalie. Yeah. Goals are tough, too. You don't know how they're going to perform with your team. So I don't know. I do have any thoughts before I give my grade. [00:44:57] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, I think this is a good trade for both teams. I do know Omar, I think Olmark and Suyman both wanted that starting position more solidified rather than going back to back, which I know Boston fans love talking about that strategy, but obviously hasn't panned out too well, but doesn't work in the. I feel like they got it. They got a decent haul. I think Corpus Salo is going to be a good backup for Sueman and I mean, somewhat of a backup. I mean, he's been a starting goalie for the past five, six years. They also get that 25th overall pick, which is decent. But I mean, I think this could make, if Olmark works out in Ottawa, which I feel like a lot of players go to Ottawa and do not work out, whether it's goalies, whether it's forwards, whether it's defense. I mean, just looking at Ottawa Senators depth right now, I mean, they have a pretty decent team. Not going to lie. I mean, they have a good defense. They got Jake Sanderson, which shout out, he's from Montana. Freaking sick. He's going to be. He's going to be nasty next year. He's only 21 years old. They got Artem zub, which he's Eric Branstrom, another very young 24 year old right handed defenseman, Thomas Chabot. Chabot. Fuck. I feel like I'm messing that name up. [00:46:20] Speaker A: I think. [00:46:20] Speaker B: Yeah, shabbat. They got Jacob Chitrin, which who knows if he's going to get traded, too, and then Bernard Docker, too. So, I mean, I feel like they have a pretty good defensive core. Then obviously they got Brady Kachuk, Stuitzel, Drake Bathurson, Shane Pinto, even Jerus in there, Josh Norris. So, I mean, they have a decent team. I think their goal pending has kind of, like, been the downfall for them. So I feel like if Olmerck works out, he is 30 years old, so that is interesting. Also, he's going to be at UFA next season. So I feel like the Senators are kind of like, in a way, they are in win mode next season. Like, it's. I think the sends might blow it up if they do not make the playoffs next year. If they're not in a playoff spot or close to a playoff spot by the trade deadline, um, they're going to blow it up. And I wouldn't be surprised if Brady Kachuk leaves. I think they're going to hold on to Stutzel. Um, but, yeah, man, I mean, this is kind of a do or die situation. This is their, their window right now that they're kind of stepping into. And I think they're. They're gambling on Omar to. To be that guy for them. Um, because corpus all obviously wasn't, but, yeah, let's get into trade grades. What would you give the senators for this? [00:47:39] Speaker A: Senators, you guys get an a plus for this trade. Um, this is a great, great trade for them. I think they, you know, homework may not work out, but look what happened with Bob. Like, it's. It's tough. Like, you never really know with these goalies. Um, but to only give up a first overall, first round pick at the 25 spot, which I don't think is their pick, I'm assuming probably someone else's. I don't know if they have a first round pick. We'll see on Friday. Um, but, um. Yeah, to give up Jonas. Corpus. Hello. Like, you're not really throwing away too much. That was your starting goal, and you just got a rock star in that. You know, you have to hope that he wants to sign with you. That's the only way this trade could go downhill is if he doesn't want to sign them 100% for Boston. I'm going to give you guys a b. Solid B. I don't think it was a bad, horrible trade. I think could have gotten a little bit more out of Omar, but obviously, I think, at the same time, they know that they're not going to be able to keep him after next season with the team that they have, they're not going to be able to keep both of those goalies. And as much as they love it, and honestly, I'm kind of sad, too. I liked watching them both, Swayman and Omar just be the tandem that they are. They had great chemistry together, and it's kind of sad to see them split up, but for Omar, I think it's a good, good move. And we'll see if the Ottawa senators can get out of the bottom of the Atlantic because they had a rough year last year. So hopefully this move will turn around for them. You know, I want to see Brady have some success before he follows his brother's footsteps and goes to the USA and Canada loses out on another chuck, so we will see. But, um. Yeah, what are your grades for them? [00:49:32] Speaker B: See, with Olmerc, I feel like that is. And the Suns do have the 7th overall pick for this upcoming draft, so. Yeah, is something. But please don't pick TJ again. I swear to God. Um, but, uh, yeah, I mean, I think that the. The sends, I'd give them, like an a minus just because there is that kind of iffy. Is he going to resign next year. I feel like maybe they, they sign him in the offseason and I feel like then I'd probably bump it up to an a or a plus for Boston. I mean, I'm going to give it a b because I feel like they kind of had their, their hands tied. They had it. They were going to have to move Omar. I feel like they got a decent pull for him. And Corpus allos. I think he just kind of had a couple off years. I feel like he's going to be in a better place in Boston, kinda. I mean, I know their fan base is pretty vicious, but I do think that he still has some good years in him, especially if he's kind of the second option in Boston, too. And then sue min is going to be getting that starting position. So we're see how Boston does. But, yeah, I'd give it. I'd give it a b for right now. Yeah, but I know we're going to talk about Arizona, but we can keep on the trade. [00:50:47] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. The sharks money, Mike money Mike Greer. He's making the moves. I honestly love him as a GM. So far. He's done a great job. We'll see if it pans out. But sharks acquired Jake Wallman, the gritty king from the Detroit Red Wings and also a 2024 2nd round pick for future considerations. So what those future considerations are, I don't know. But that means the Sharks have two first round picks this year, the pick number one and pick 14. They have three second round picks this year. They have a third round, a fourth round, two fifths, and a 7th. So we'll see how this all plays out, what, what happens out of it. But we're set up in a good spot and to give away future considerations. I mean, I, it's always weird with those future considerations, but Jake Wallman's a solid defender. Um, and I saw some videos from him and he's a funny guy, so I'm excited for him. Um, yeah. But, yeah, I think it's a good, solid little move around. You know, we had some trades last year, too, so. Or last week, too, so I think we're going moving in the right direction, slowly but surely, and we're going to get a hell of a player on Friday, so I'm excited. What do you think about this trade, though? [00:52:08] Speaker B: Yeah, I feel like Wallman's, he's decent. I mean, he had 21 points last year at 18 points the year before. Obviously did that gritty that everyone freaking hockey world has seen, so he's definitely got some character, which I think will be good for kind of these younger players because he's 28. I mean, he's somewhat of a veteran in the NHL. So I think that the Sharks definitely won this trade. I mean, by far, the fact that they got a second round pick, two out of this is pretty crazy. Future considerations. Who knows what the hell that means. It's always, like, up in the air. But, yeah, I mean, shout out the. The GM for the Sharks. I mean, he's, he's been building this. He's been doing this rebuild in an interesting way. We're going to see if it pans out. But, yeah, I mean, I'm going to give the Sharks probably an a. Yeah, maybe. I'll probably give them an a minus. [00:53:05] Speaker A: We don't know. [00:53:07] Speaker B: They are eating a little bit of cap on this, but I'm gonna give the. The wings. I mean, they kind of had their hands tied, but I give them like a b. I'll just be neutral here. [00:53:19] Speaker A: Yeah, it's tough to really say and give them a grade because we don't even know what the give back. [00:53:23] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, the wings are trying to open up some cap space, but it's tough. I mean, honestly, I'm gonna rank that down to a c because they gave around, gave away a second round draft pick just like that. So, yeah, I feel like they could have maybe retained some cap and maybe sent them somewhere else, but, yeah, I mean, that's. That's my thoughts on that. What are, what's your grade for, for this sharks? [00:53:46] Speaker A: I'll give him an a. I don't know what those future considerations are. So I think also for the sharks in the cap, we have a lot of cap space freed up. We need to hit the floor. That's why we got Barkley Goodrow. Um, and also Jake Wallman. I'm assuming it's probably just a cap thing, too. Um, so I think it's looking good. Um, yeah, I give the sharks an a and I'll ride with you and give the red wings a c or just a no contest. I don't even know. Once we find out these future considerations, I guess we can give a grade, but no idea. Um, but, yeah. All right. Arizona Coyote fans. Coyote fans all around. [00:54:24] Speaker B: This is the nail in the coffin. [00:54:26] Speaker A: Nail in the coffin land auction has been canceled by the state of Arizona and near future NHL franchise. I. Fans are crushed. [00:54:36] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, I know the NHL. I think they took all the names and trademarks and stuff, so I think they're probably seek out some new ownership of knowing Gary Bettman and his love for Arizona hockey. They probably will end up doing that. But honestly, fuck Alex Morello. I hate this guy. This guy is like on the same level as the a's owner. I don't. I'm not an a's fan or anything, but to see what they do to their fans and treat them unbelievable, which I'll give a little bit more leniency to Alex Morello before. Before this point I'm going to bring up because, I mean, Arizona is not a very big hockey market. They don't have a history. I think he could have done some things differently, and especially the way it kind of, all the cards folded at the end definitely would have been differently. It's interesting that he was, like, crying in the press conference and all this and made hundreds of millions of dollars off the sale. The franchise. I think there's. It's a tough place to have an NHL franchise, and I think whoever does own the franchise, if that happens in the future, is going to have to take a way different route, and hopefully it's successful. Who knows if it will ever be a thing. But the thing that I was shocked about, which came out today was he still owns the Tucson Roadrunners, which is they do really well in the AHL in terms of attendance, and they're also a pretty decent team because Arizona is dog shit all the time and gets good draft picks playing in the AHL. [00:56:15] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:56:16] Speaker B: But he announced that they're moving to Reno, Nevada, in 2026. Which one? I think this is interesting because Reno area just got an ECHL team, which is Lake Tahoe. I mean, similar. Similar area. So that kind of crushes Lake Tahoe out of any sort of pull from Reno fans. But not only that, I mean, for him to sell the Coyotes and then go after their only other professional hockey team. Yeah, I mean, that's tough. I'm sure the Sun Devils are happy, though. They're the only damn team left, but. Yeah, and when he did that today, when I heard about that today, I was like, that's fucking ridiculous, man. I mean, maybe give it a little bit, but for that to happen, and it's tough, and there's been hockey teams in Reno, and they don't really pan out. So I don't necessarily know what his thought process was behind that. I'm sure it was a money move, but, yeah, man, that's. I feel bad for Coyotes fans out there. Arizona sports fans, the few Coyotes fans are out there. Yeah, but, yeah, man. I mean, I'm I'm not a fan of the old Coyotes owner. I feel like he should, he should go into witness protection or something because I think the whole hockey world kind of hates him. [00:57:34] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I agree. I mean, I feel for Coyotes fans like, to get your team ripped out like that. And we've talked about this before, but the fashion that it happened to so quick, you know, these fans that didn't even know if their team was going to be here, not next year, like, even our friend Tyler fellow settled down, mate. He, like, went to his last game not knowing it, went to his last. Arizona carries games not knowing it. And they could be back, like you said, with NHL. I'm sure Gary Batman's gonna bring him back, but I feel like it's gonna take some time. You know, they had the five year window. I think it's gonna be more than that now. Yeah. Obviously coming as an expansion team, but heartbreaking stuff. And like you said, I think their owner just milked all the money out and just kind of gave up and was like, I'm done. [00:58:28] Speaker B: Watch. The last thing I'll say on this is watch Gary Bettman relocate the Winnipeg jets to Arizona again. We'll see it. Yeah, we'll see it happen again. That would be crazy. Knock on wood. I would. I'd be so pissed. I think the city of Winnipeg would declare war on the NHL offices. [00:58:48] Speaker A: Yeah. If they haven't already on me. I'm sure they will on them. All right, we're going to get into the NHL awards predictions here. We got the awards coming up on Thursday. The fellows might be there, might be at the. We're not sure yet. Tickets aren't, how you say, affordable right now. So we're going to wait, keep an eye on the floor and see if you guys know anyone that's giving away free NHL draft tickets or not draft NHL awards tickets. Hit us. Hit us up. But I doubt it. But just in case. So we're gonna do, we're gonna look at actually our predictions from the beginning of the season and see how they've panned out all the way from winning the cup all the way down to the vezna. So, Galley, if you want to look back on yourself, 39 episodes ago, what were you saying 39 weeks ago? [00:59:41] Speaker B: Well, I mean, some of the division, which I think we, I think we went over the division winners, I think in a couple episodes back before playoffs, um, which I had some ridiculous. I said, the fucking flames are going to win the Pacific, which is ridiculous. So I did say the stars were going to win the cup, which I think that was close. I honestly think if it was stars, Panthers, I don't think the stars win, but it would be a good series. Could be maybe a toss up, especially if they beat the Oilers. So I think that one was a little bit close. The heart memorial trophy, which is the MVP. I said that goes to McKinnon, which, fingers crossed, I hope he gets it this year. I think he deserves it this year. I feel like any other year, I don't know if he's going to win it. So I'm happy with that pick, that prediction. The Norris trophy, which goes, the best defenseman, is Rasmus Dolling, which he had a good year. He had, like, 59 points, but nowhere near Quinn Hughes or Cale Macar. So kind of a shitty pick, but I feel like maybe next year or another year, he's definitely in that discussion. Uh, for the Calder trophy, I think we both have bedard, so I think that's a walk. So happy with that rocket. Richard said to Austin Matthews, which lock, obviously, he won that lock, which that's not gonna be announced for the award ceremony. And then my Veza pick was. [01:01:14] Speaker A: Wait, really? [01:01:15] Speaker B: Well, I think it will, but it's already decided, you know? [01:01:20] Speaker A: Oh, you're right. You're right. Yes. Sorry. [01:01:23] Speaker B: I mean, it's not like they're announcing it at the awards. [01:01:25] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:01:25] Speaker B: He'll probably go up on stage and be awesome. [01:01:28] Speaker A: Yes. [01:01:29] Speaker B: Freaking iced out. $100,000 suit, $13 million contract. Fucking. Yeah. Looking all, all snazzy, but, uh, which I feel like we got. We got it. We got to make our way to the wards. I mean. [01:01:42] Speaker A: Well, yeah, anything will be at the red. [01:01:45] Speaker B: Yeah. Um, but my Vezna pick was Jacob Markstrom, which he's not even on the Calgary flames anymore, which was a fucking horrible, horrible pit. Yeah, he had a pretty good year for how bad the flames were. I'll give it to him on that. But. Shit, man. Not near, as, you know, Bobroski, Demko, or Hellbuck, but, yeah. Who are your picks? [01:02:10] Speaker A: Yeah, so I think out of those. [01:02:12] Speaker B: Out of those predictions for the trophies, at least I think I got half of them right, though, which I'm happy about that. [01:02:21] Speaker A: So, yeah, I think besides the Norse and the Vesna, you got all the finalists in there. [01:02:29] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:02:29] Speaker A: And the two winners. Yeah. So I think it was a good pick. The stars winning the cup is a good pick, too. You know, they were somehow lost that game against the Oilers. Last one. But my pick, I picked the Oilers to win the Stanley cup. Beginning of the season, I said it was going to be Oilers and maple leaves. And then everyone clowned on me saying that I was dumb that the Oilers were going to. Not everyone, but mainly all of our friends saying that the Oilers were going to do anything, even though they were at the bottom of the league when we made that award show live stream, but, I mean, they were pretty close. Kind of wish I picked the Panthers way earlier. I didn't really have too many high hopes for the Panthers until the season started and I started watching them. I was like, okay, could happen again. But, yeah, I said, the oiler is going to win the cup. Heart was going to go to McDavid, which is still very possible, especially after this playoff run. I think he'd honestly be really depressed if he won the heart. He'd walk up there probably not very excited to accept that award. Just knowing him, he's not a personal accolade kind of guy. He's, he wants to win the Stanley cup, which I think all these guys want to, obviously, but he's wondering a fair share of hardware, and I don't think he really cares. Um, so I think that one's still up in the air. Norris Macar, he's a finalist. I don't think he's going to get it, though. I think that's going to Quinn Hughes. And then the Calder. I had Conor Berdard. I feel like that was a pretty easy lock. Got a little scared, though, when he was injured for a while. We weren't sure if that was going to play out, but it did. And I, like, 99.9% sure he's going to win the Calder. Rocket Matthews as well. And, you know, 69 goals. Awesome. And then the Vesna, I had Jay Cottinger. He did not finish in the finals. Finalists for it, but he had a good season. I think hellebook is going to win that out of anyone. [01:04:30] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. So let's get into. Let's get into our predictions. So who do you got for the calder? I know we both already said, and I think it's kind of apparent. [01:04:38] Speaker A: Yep. Call the bedard. [01:04:39] Speaker B: Gonna be. [01:04:40] Speaker A: We gotta go with him. [01:04:40] Speaker B: Yeah, it's gonna be bedard. Who do you got for the heart, though? [01:04:45] Speaker A: See, I don't know that my McDavid pick is gonna stand. Obviously he's a finalist, but I want to see McKinnon. I just feel like Kucharov, with the amazing season he had, is going to get it. [01:05:02] Speaker B: So are you going with Kucharov, then? [01:05:04] Speaker A: Yes, I'm going to go with Kucharov. I think the debate with, you know, trying to define what an MVP is. Is so tough. [01:05:12] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:05:12] Speaker A: Like, who realistically is most valuable to their team? I think Conor McDavid is most valuable to the team. I also think Austin Matthews is most valuable to his team. So that MVP title is just so, so tough to determine, but obviously, there's enough voters that that's how they determine it. So. Totally fair, but are you going to stick with McKinnon? [01:05:33] Speaker B: I'm going to stick with McKinnon. I think this is his year. I feel like this is the best year he's had. Yeah, I feel like he was pretty damn dominant. Was definitely the best player on the app. So I'm going to stick with McKinnon. For Norris. We got Quinn Hughes, Roman Yossi, cale makar. I'm going to have to go with Quinn Hughes. I think he had the most points, and I just. He hasn't. I don't think he's won a Norris yet, either. I could be wrong about that. I don't think he has, but, yeah, I think that's a, that's kind of a walk, in my opinion. Who you got for the Nora? [01:06:09] Speaker A: So, yeah, I got Quinn Hughes as well. He had a great season. I kind of would have liked him to see beat the Oilers and have his season keep going past the second round. But he had a great regular season, and I don't really remember. It's, God, the playoffs are so long. I forget that. Like, I don't even. Last time Quinn Hughes played, it was over like a month and a half ago, but, yeah, great regular season. So good for him, and I'm excited to watch him get that. That trophy walk up on the stage. I think that's pretty much a walk. I mean, Roman Yossi, KL McCarthy, you. [01:06:49] Speaker B: Could give it to butter, was two points away. You know, I mean, yeah. [01:06:56] Speaker A: Kayl McCarthy is another one. That was my pick, but I'm gonna. I'm gonna stick with Quinn, though. [01:07:01] Speaker B: Did have five less games played. I mean, shit, it could go to the car. I don't. I don't think Roman Yossi necessarily gets it, but I'm gonna. I'm gonna stick with Quinn Hughes for sure. [01:07:12] Speaker A: Yeah. I think what, the breakout season he had was kind of just gonna. It's gonna be given to him, but I could see NHL wanting Makar to have that cup or that trophy, too. So I don't know. Ted Lindsay award. Who you got with our finalists? Kucharov, McKinnon, and Matthews. Is that correct? [01:07:31] Speaker B: So I think so. I think that Austin Matthews is going to win this one. I think this is voted on by the players. I think just with the amount of goals he scored. 69 goals. [01:07:42] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:07:42] Speaker B: I feel like you got to give it to him. Um, I mean, he was incredible. I know some games and some stretches, he wasn't the best, but when he was scoring, holy shit, it was like. I mean, like I said, austin Matthews, anytime. Goal lock. [01:08:01] Speaker A: Yeah. Fucking block. [01:08:02] Speaker B: So I'm saying this one's going to go to Austin Matthews. I feel like Kucharov might get this one, too, but I'm going to stick with Matthews. You got for this one, though. [01:08:13] Speaker A: I like Matthews for that pick, if it's voted by the players. Obviously, what he did was record breaking in the 21st century and the salary cap era. I could also see Kucharov getting it with the season he had. I could also see McKinnon, like, I don't know. I. I'm going to stick with Matthews, though. That one makes the most sense to me. [01:08:33] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:08:34] Speaker A: With the season that he had in the records he broke, I'm going to give it to mister am 34. [01:08:39] Speaker B: Definitely. [01:08:40] Speaker A: All right. The Vesna trophy. This one? [01:08:46] Speaker B: Yeah. Who you got for this? [01:08:48] Speaker A: There's some conversation. It is. Yes. There's some conversation for Bob and Demko, but hell, book had a crazy regular season. I know that their playoff success did not pan out, and he played like swiss cheese, but I think if we're looking at it at the regular season, I think that man deserves that Vesna. [01:09:10] Speaker B: Yeah, definitely. I'm going to go with Connor Hellebuff, too. I think he was just lights out regular season. I feel like a lot of people thought he was going to be way better of a goalie, especially in the playoffs, which it was tough. It didn't turn out for him. And I don't think he has a Vezna yet. I'm just surging that up. I don't think he necessarily does yet. Oh, he does have a Vezna, I. [01:09:39] Speaker A: Was going to say. [01:09:40] Speaker B: I think he went 2020, so. But he did win the William Jennings award this year, so I think he's going to sweep the goalies awards. Yeah, but. So we've got hellbucks, so hell's. [01:09:51] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. All right, well, we're gonna see how that comes true. You know, maybe one day we'll have a vote of our own from the media. Probably not, but sick. But honestly, if they let us in, that. Oh, man, that'd be crazy. I don't know. I I'd want to be truthful, but also, at the same time, I'd probably. Probably be a little biased. I don't know. I'm not. I'm not one to be unbiased. It's tough for me to be unbiased because I love this game so much and I have so many emotions. So. But that wraps that up. We're going to jump into the rest of our mock draft. If you've been listening to the past two, three weeks, two weeks we've been doing these one through ten, then we did eleven through 20, and now we're doing 21 through 32 to wrap up the first round predictions. We're not going to get too deep into it because these guys are a lot harder to predict. This is tough. They do not have all the eyes. We're not the scouts. We don't have. We don't have all these games watched from them. So really tough to pick. And also, this late in the round, it's like it could be changed so much. So we're not going to both give it. We are both going to agree on this. This one solid list right here. [01:11:06] Speaker B: Yep. [01:11:07] Speaker A: We put it together and we're gonna see how this all pans out. When on Friday, we're gonna be at the sphere. Which galley? I don't know if you saw this, but there is. They leaked a photo of what the inside of the sphere is gonna look like, and I might have a stroke because. A lot of colors. A lot of colors. [01:11:26] Speaker B: It's gonna be sick, though. I'm excited. It looks really sick. And shout out the sphere. I mean, dude, whoever's doing the freaking motion graphics and all that stuff for the studio, that's pretty badass job. Yeah, but, yes. Let's just get into it. I know this is difficult because I feel like a lot of second round players could be going in the first, especially at the end of the first. So, yeah, this is very. And especially if some players fall into the bottom, you know, eleven picks, but, yeah, starting off with the Kings, I got a left handed defenseman from Norway, which I think would be the first norwegian player drafted in the first round. His name's, uh. I'm gonna butcher this. Stan's Stan stun. I don't even know Stan. Yeah. [01:12:16] Speaker A: Let's go. [01:12:16] Speaker B: That Steen Solberg, he's a left handed defenseman, has 50 points in 42 games played in the second. With the second level of Sweden still needs a lot of work done, but it's got a high ceiling. They also need a left handed defenseman. I think next year he's going to be playing in the SHL and which is the top league of the. Of Sweden. I don't know. I mean, some of these european players, it's like, who knows what's going to happen, where they're going to exactly play at next year just because their systems are a little bit different there. But that's who I got for the Kings. For the Predators or sorry, we got because we're doing these both for the. [01:13:02] Speaker A: Predator galley did all this. I didn't do anything. So this is. [01:13:06] Speaker B: No, we did it. Sean did some research, too. Yeah, but for the Predators 22nd pick, we got Jet Luchenko yet. 74 points, 68 games played with the OHL. Predators need some centers and I forgot to add that point. Kings need some left handed defensemen. So I think he's going to be. Solberg is going to be the best left handed defenseman available. Luchenko. I feel like 74 points, 68 games. No HL. I mean, that's nothing to bat an eye at. They also need centers for the Leafs. I think the Leafs are kind of going to go a little bit off the charts here. I think that they are pretty strong on their left wings right now, but this player could turn into more of a project player, especially because he's coming from Russia. He had 1.23 points per game in the russian juniors. He's a left wing. Igor Surin or Surin. I don't know if that's pronounced his name. Then at the 24th pick for the Avalanche, we got Michael Brandzer, Michael Branzig Nygaard right winger from Sweden, plays for Mora. I think Mora if in the SHL he's got 18 points and 41 games played second level swedish league. He also dominated swedish juniors. He is a power forward, too, and I just feel like he's. He would be a good. He just sounds like a player that's going to be on the avalanche. And I know that's stupid reason just we're going to keep ripping it with it for the Senators. They got this trade from Boston and the trade we talked about, it's going to go to Charlie Elik. He's a defenseman from the brand of wheat Kings. I think the Suns need a little bit more right handed defenseman. They're kind of lacking in that department. Canadiens 26 pick. They're going to pick Cole Bedouin. Boat bowdoin 62 points, 67 games. He is a gritty big center and he could play offensive. D like we said, we haven't been watching these players all season, so we're kind of watching some other people's notes, especially for these later picks. Carolina Hurricanes EJ Emery. He's a right handed defenseman. He's got a high ceiling. He's six foot three, committed to UND. He had some low offensive numbers this past year. I think he played for the national development team in the US HL. Going to UND. He could develop into something that's good. I feel like the Hurricanes are pretty good with their forward depth right now. So I think they're going to go with a defenseman. Number 28, Calgary Flames. Let's go. We got this pick from Vancouver in the Elias Lynn home trade. I think they're going to pick Andrew Boscha and I will research this a little bit more just because this is the 20th pick. This is my team. He's a left left winger and center native of Calgary. So he's not going to leave. Like we know some players left and when won a Stanley cup. We got 85 points, 30 game goals last year. Believe he was in the WHL. I think so. Little unsure of what team. So pardon me for anyone listening. Number 29th pick you got the Dallas Stars. They're going to pick Ryder. Ritchie had 44 points and 47 games played. I know he's been talked about potentially falling into the top 20. Some of these to the top 22. So just FYI, ever rounded out to the last three picks? I know I'm on a fucking ramble right now. Rangers are at 30. I think they're going to pick Nikita Artemanov. He's a left winger. He has 23 points in the KHL, which is pretty impressive. He played for Nizney Novograd. I mean, 23 points as a 19 year old is pretty impressive. Feel like the Rangers do have a great team right now so they could take on a player with a little bit longer of a development, especially if he pans out. Anaheim has this tr pick from Edmonton. I'm a little unsure of where this trades from, so no one kill me for that. But I think they're going to pick Merrick Vanecker, left wing for the Brantford Bulldogs. Oh, he's got 82 points. They're a little bit low on left wingers, but I feel like this player especially has some time to develop. And then number 32, this player is very interesting. This picks Philadelphia. They obviously have this from Florida. [01:17:51] Speaker A: Dean from the Bob trade or what was that from? [01:17:54] Speaker B: I'm a little unsure from too. So that's two picks in a row. [01:18:01] Speaker A: No, no, he wasn't. No. I don't know. I can look it up here. You keep talking. [01:18:07] Speaker B: Yeah. Dean Letourneau, he's a center for St. Andrews College in U 18, Triple A, which I know sometimes players get drafted out of Triple A or high school. He's six foot seven, though, which is like, damn. He's committed to Boston college. He had 127 points in triple A. So this guy could turn into something. He's kind of like a webinar of, uh, this draft. Um, don't quote me on this. Who knows? This guy could not turn into anything, but that's some pretty big heights. Definitely like seven inches taller than me. So. Yeah. So where did this pick come from, do you know? [01:18:49] Speaker A: Um, it's not coming up right away. I don't look too long. I don't know. We'll figure it out. If you guys know in the comments, let us know. Um, you guys hockey buffs? Sorry, we're not perfect on that, but, yeah, um, we'll see. I mean, I think these, like we said, those later rounds are tougher to. To gauge and stuff. And, you know, a lot of these guys don't have a super big draft profile that we've been following all year, like some of the other guys from one to ten and even like ten to 20. But honestly, I'm very excited for Friday. I think it's a good time. I've went to Nashville, where the draft was last year. I didn't go into the draft, though, but this year will be different with you, and I'm very excited. I think it's so stoked. A cool cap. Off to the amazing year we had as we wrap up this episode. This is the final episode of the season, and we're going to do a podcast after the draft, kind of wrap up anything. If we have any crazy stories, maybe you get an interview with the player. We don't know yet, but we are super excited to be there and provide some good concert for you guys. Maybe some cool stories, some funny stories, and just have a time in Vegas. [01:20:07] Speaker B: Oh, we're going to have a time in Vegas. I'm stoked. Hopefully we go to awards. If not, we'll. We'll be around and, um, yeah, we're going to have a. [01:20:15] Speaker A: These players have a sick weekend. Yes. [01:20:18] Speaker B: It's going to be a long drive down there, um, in the, oh six Ford focus. But, uh, yeah, man, it's going to be a kick ass time. I'm stoked. I've never been a draft, and this is kind of like the last one. That's exactly in person. I'm sure some players in, in the future will be there in person, but not all of them will be, especially some of these european players. So, yeah, man, I'm stoked for this. This weekend. It's gonna be a kick ass weekend. And, yeah, hopefully I win some money, too, because we're in sin City. [01:20:48] Speaker A: Yes, we are. Yes, we are. [01:20:50] Speaker B: We'll be betting on some euros, dude. [01:20:53] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. As for the offseason, what that looks like for us, for you guys that, you know, just as listeners mean, Galaxy need to talk a little bit more about the actual game plan. Um, I'm thinking, like, july especially, probably going to do every other week. Um, just with some of the slow news, obviously. I mean, we're still going to have a crazy next couple of weeks because we're going to have to recap the draft and then free agency starts. We're going to get some signings, I'm sure. So season is not quite over yet, um, for us. But we want to thank all you guys for listening all season long, whether you started this episode, whether you started last episode, whether you started episode one, we're thankful for you guys. This is why we do it. We just get to talk hockey all day. You know, we do a lot of stuff on the back end and, you know, that's why I want to plug to you guys and have us go follow us on Instagram, make sure you subscribe to us and everything so you don't miss another video. Also, our Patreon. I know I mentioned it last episode, but you go into that, you pay $2 a month. Help us out on the back end in terms for all the software we use, everything like that. Your $2 goes a long way. You're going to be entered in a giveaway for free jersey, but you have to join by the end of July, July 31. So you got a month to do it. It would really help us out. And also, guess what? If not, we totally get it. And we're happy to have you on right here. You're interested. The link to the Patreon is down below. You can see all the stuff that it comes with, all the extra stuff you're going to get. And that's the end of my sales pitch. And, you know, I, again, I can't say enough how much fun this was this season, and I'm looking forward to the next season as well. We're going to keep chugging. We're going to try to get some interviews done in the off season, too. So if you're a player and you want to come on. You're listening to us for whatever reason, hit us up. We'll definitely have you on. If you know any players or know anyone that you would suggest, you know, if you're a friend of them and you're like, I'd love for them to be on this, let us know. We have some people that we want lined up as well that we're going to be interviewing. One that's really big that we haven't told you guys at all yet. Still in the works, but there's one coming soon and, yeah, that's our plan for the off season. A lot of interviews and then just catching up on the news, um, around the league, because the hockey news cycle is year round, so we're not going to be going ghost at the end, but we might be slowing down a bit. So with that, everyone, I hope you guys enjoyed this season as much as we did. Whether your team was last like the Sharks or whether your team was a Florida Panthers, you guys just won the cup, you're an Edmonton Oilers fan. I don't have much to say to you, but anyone else and everyone, you know, I think Gary and I had a great time and I'm repeating myself, but I am thankful for everyone that's clipped on a video, past, present and future. So with that, do you have anything else galley before we wrap up? [01:23:57] Speaker B: Thank you for everyone listening. I know we still got a lot of work to be done and, you know, we're on the up and up and we got some sick stuff coming up this summer, and I'm so for next year, and thank you for listening for all our canadian listeners out there. We love you guys. Don't. Don't take it to the heart that Sean said some things about Canada. I did. I want the cup to be in Canada. Obviously, I'm a Calgary Flames fan, but, yeah, I mean, besides that, I'm stoked for next season, stoked for the off season. And, yeah, cheers. Cheers, everyone. [01:24:33] Speaker A: Yep. Cheers. We're gonna. We'll be doing a vlog two of the Vegas trips. You guys will be in with us, which will be up on the YouTube a little bit after we come back, and I have time to rest and recuperate my body from this weekend. So we are very excited and can't thank you guys enough. Seriously, like, this season was amazing and we'll see you guys next week and cap it off. Go Sharks. That's all I got to say. [01:25:00] Speaker B: Go flames.

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